What is the best option to open .docx, pptx files in Ubuntu LTS 8.04 ?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 8 20:59:41 UTC 2008

On 10/08/2008 08:03 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Hal Burgiss wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 06:11:54AM -0700, Steve Grace wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 16:34 +0530, Ashish Vijaywargiya wrote:
>>> > Please help me in this matter because I need any converter or
>>> > supporting open-source software that help me on this matter.
>>> > May be this question has been asked so many times on the Ubuntu
>>> > mailing list but I don't know how to search the old email that
>>> > has been answered.
>>> OpenOffice.org Writer opens .docx files.
>> What version? I get errors with the 2.4.1 that I believe is std issue
>> on 8.04. I have never successfully opened docx, xlsx or pptx files in
> Ditto.

Works for me (2.4.1 Ubuntu OOo).

Perhaps you don't have all of Ubuntu's OpenOffice installed; it's an
issue in that the OOo version that is provided on any and all Ubuntu
CD's & DVD's provide only a 'partial' OOo install (yes there's a bug
filed). You may want to:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall openoffice.org openoffice.org-evolution

Note: the '--reinstall' bit is there just to ensure the appropriate bits
get reinstalled, but you can use it without '--reinstall' first to see
if those were installed already. You can also leave off the
openoffice.org-evolution bit if you don't use evolution, that pulls in
some added components to include the evolution addressbook in your
mailmerge data sources.

If you feel adventuresome, download and install the standard
OOo3.0_m9(RC4) from: http://download.openoffice.org/680/?intcmp=1461 to
see what the future looks like. RC4 manages .docx .xlsx quite well - I
don't know about .pptx files.

Like othere's here; I recommend having the originator send standard MS
docs instead - or better yet use .odt.

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