Does anyone know when Openoffice 3 will be available in Ubuntu Repositories?
glgxg at
Tue Oct 7 23:07:11 UTC 2008
On 10/07/2008 02:52 PM, James Tappin wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:30:58 -0700
> NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> N> > Turns out JMF needs java 6 to work properly, and I had java 5
> N> > installed -- still no go with OOo yet though, and the set of codecs
> N> > looks to be very limited (e.g. no DiVX).
> N> >
> N>
> N> Once you've installed JMF, then on OOo:
> N> Tools|Options|Open...|Java|ClassPath|Add Archive
> N> Paths should be:
> N>
> N> /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/jmf.jar
> N> /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/mp3plugin.jar
> N>
> N> I als have mediaplayer.jar and multiplayer.jar.
> N> Also note that the mp3plugin.jar is a separate download/install.
> N>
> I now have those in both OOo 2.4 and 3.0rc.
> With 3.0rc it does show those movies that jmstudio can play but with 2.4
> all I get with the same movies is an icon with an audio symbol.
Both my 2.4.1 (OOo version) and my OOo3RC4 version (now on plays both video &
sound without issues w/JMF. Limited codecs of course, but other than
that no issues.
> I think that half of my original assertion still stands, it is a pain to
> install, if a 12-year Linux veteran needs 4-5 attempts before it works
> then Joe Q. User is not going to get it going.
Oh, I fully agree; it's a PITA & there have been ongoing complaints for
a very long time now in OOo Issues. You'd think that since they can
package a .deb tz with Sun's Java that they could just as easily package
with JMF built in... particularly since it's primarily a Sun project.
If nothing else, then at least us gstreamer as provided by the
Novell/ximian/go-ooo builds.
> And the choice of codec is limited (I have a lot of AVI's with DX50 as
> that's something transcode can do out of the box from a stack of png's
> -- e.g. outputs from simulations; and JMF won't touch them).
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