Thin Clients

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Tue Oct 7 21:20:35 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
>> 20081007 1510 GMT-6
>> Ok. Ill clarify what was suggested to me.
>> Each of the 10 locations would have some type of server setup for that 
>> school. And then each server would or could be linked back to the main 
>> server for the district.
> This is where you loose us again... "Some type of server setup" is a
> little vague and leads to us making different assumptions.
> What services will be on the server located at the school, and what
> services do you intend to leave back at the district server?

20081007 1616 GMT-6

Well, I cant answer that as this is what was "suggested" to me by the 
school. However, in my conversation with them I took it as, each school 
would host any apps they are using.

I was just literally thrown into this so its all new to me.

But from the responses I have seen and what I know about the school 
setup already - I dont think a thin client setup is something I want to 
tackle, nor do I think overall its implementable here.

Just a few of the responses about CPU and ram considerations - Im not 
sure the district has all that much going for it.

But I believe I have enough to warrant moving this topic off the plate 
and moving towards a straight forward Ubuntu install on all machines.

Thanks all for the information.


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