Booting problem

Keith Powell keith at
Tue Oct 7 07:20:02 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Keith Powell wrote:
>>> Thank you for your help, Mark.
>>> As I have said to Karl, things work properly with Ubuntu on a different 
>>> hard drive - even with the new kernel.
>>> I'll do as you suggest; put the original Ubuntu drive back and see what 
>>> happens when I use the older kernel.
>>> Cheers
>>> Keith
>> I'm curious as to why the system boots fine without the XP drive 
>> connected if the drive itself is bad. If the Ubuntu drive is flaky, I 
>> should think it would be flaky no matter what else is connected to it.
>> Hmm, how do you have your IDE drives setup?  Are the Master and slave, 
>> or 'Cable Select'?  I'm wondering if the Ubuntu drive is set to cable 
>> select and it's getting screwy when the kernel loads somehow.
>> Personally, I ALWAYS manually set my IDE drives up. I never use Cable 
>> Select in any way.
>     Excellent thought Mark. A bad HD setup when you have 2 of them can 
> sure cause his problems.
> Karl

Mark and Karl.

I use jumper select with my drives, not cable select. They are 
definitely master and slave.

Using my spare 40GB hard drive, Ubuntu works with both drives connected. 
So I have installed a couple of other distros on it (one at a time). 
Linuxmint only works if the XP drive is unplugged (BusyBox message 
again). Mandriva works with one or both connected.

So I'm going to spend some time doing more tests, putting the main 250GB 
hard drive back in and trying Ubuntu again.

I'll post the results.



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