firefox3: where are hidden the plugins settings?

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Oct 4 23:24:08 UTC 2008

On 10/04/2008 01:18 AM, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
>   On Fri, 3 Oct 2008, NoOp wrote:
>>> If you are looking for where Fx3 (Ubuntu version) gets all of it's
>>> default preinstalled plugins from, look in
>>> /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins.
>     sorry, it seems I also needed some coffee: pine sent the unmodified reply...
>     No, I'm not looking for where FX3 gets its plugins, but how it chooses the one
>     it will use: in your list, you have totem and mplayer plugins: which one
>     will be use?

That would be mime application dependent.
Edit|Preferences|Applications|click on the 'Action' dropdown.

>     I have totem, mplayer and helix plugins. When I keep only one of them,
>     (removing all others), Fx3 actually opens the remaining one, which proves
>     it is able to do that.
>     When I re-install the 3, it opens mplayer, but I would like to use helix, as
>     in that case it's the only one which works. How to do that?

See above + Fx3 is too new for me (I use SeaMonkey anyway as my default
daily browser), but can you not use the new plugin manager?

Tools|Add-ons|Plugins|click on a plugin to enable/disable.

>> /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/plugin.dat
>     according all my tests, it seems that it is not an input file for FX3,
>     but an output file: It doesn't care of any modification  I do, and
>     overwrites it.

You are correct, my apologies. I have found that any plugin that you
have in ~/.mozilla/plugins on _earlier_ versions will override any
default plugin settings in the /lib etc files. For example; I have
multiple versions of java installed, including 06 and 07. When I install
07 and put a symlink in ~/.mozilla/plugins to
I find that both 06 and 07 showup in Fx3's add-in manager, so I end up
having to disable 06 via Tools|Add-ons|Plugins|

So, long story short: Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question.
Perhaps the firefox groups would be the best choice
to ask.

Added note: you might find it helpful in the future to enable the full
plugin path when you use about:plugins:

  - Open about:config
      Filter = plug
       plugin.expose_full_path = true

Now when you use about:plugins it will show the full path where the
plugin is installed.

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