Install and Configure HUAWEI E220 3G Broadband Modem (USB)

Simon Stephens simon at
Sat Oct 4 10:32:42 UTC 2008

Davide Corio wrote:
> Il giorno gio, 02/10/2008 alle 01.08 +0530, Sameera Shaakunthala ha
> scritto:
>> Hello,
>> I am using a HUAWEI E220 USB modem to connect to the Internet. I don't
>> know how to install and configure it. I tried sudo pppconfig but it
>> doesn't work.
> Hi, you have to blacklist the "airprime" module (put it
> in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist)
> I'm using the same modem and now it works fine
Does this work for the HUAWEI E620 PCMCIA data card and if so how do do 
do it?

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