Moving from Fedora to Ubuntu - am I doing the right thing?

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Fri Oct 3 16:38:54 UTC 2008

NoOp schreef:
> On 10/03/2008 03:42 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>> Knapp schreef:
>>>> How do you play flash 9.0 on the 64-bit processor?
>>>> I haven't succeeded, I hope I don't highjack this thread but you said
>>>> ".. to find something I can't make run on Ubuntu.." and I wonder how you
>>>> do this.
>>>> Joep
>>> Install a 32 bit FF on your 64 bit os. You can not tell any big speed
>>> difference and you will have java and flash. I have both installed on
>>> my computer. (32 ff and 64 ff)
>> Douglas, Leonard, Chris,
>> Thanks for the advices.
>> Actually I folowed Leonard's advice and reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree 
>> and although it gave an error, saying "invalid option -n" it apparently 
>> installed.
>> When using aptitude show etc. it says:
>> "Package: flashplugin-nonfree
>> State: partially configured."
> You should fix that as it will give you problems later on. See:
> for an interesting peek into the problems with flashplugin-nonfree.
> Also:
> For your partially configured problem, see:
> and those probably link back to:
> Sigh... I'm afraid that this is one issue that is easily resolved by
> running 32bit; download flash from Adobe, put the .so in
> ~/.mozilla/plugins and be done with it.
>> But I can see the video's on youtube (which was one of the reasons I 
>> wanted it running) so I don't need yo install the 32-bit ff version.
>> I tried that a year ago in Fedora but that didn't work. It simply 
>> refused to install.
>> But thanks again. It shows the value of an experienced users community.
>> Joep
Noop, Of course!! But I refuse to be forced by some stupid company 
blunderhead who decide that it is not worthwhile to really try to please 
the customer! They deserve to go under!!
But many thanks for the links. I will read them through.
You're a very valuable person on this list and I read your advices 
thoroughly and with much respect for your knowledge and database! (as I 
assume you don't know these links by head!!)

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