XML document editor

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Oct 2 21:32:39 UTC 2008

stan wrote:
> Let me start off this by saying that I probably don't even know enough to
> properly format the question.
> I have some software, for industrial control systems that generates export
> files in an XML format. I would like to be able to edit these files, such
> that I can for example replicate many copies of the same thing, each with
> slight changes that make it unique, In years past, this was done by
> exporting to an ASCII "flat file".
> I have been hearing about XML for a while, but not really paying attention.
> Now is the time I need to learn about this, it appears.
> So, is there such a thing as an XML file editor? What I think I mean by
> this is an editor that can open these files, and understand the properties
> that are defined in them, and allow me to manipulate these objects? Is this
> something Open Office can do? Or is there a better/different way of doing
> this?
    Try this page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML

and if you need more there is a XML to PDF converter out there. I have a 
pdf2ascii converter that will get a file where you want it.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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