Ubuntu laptops?

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 1 14:42:46 UTC 2008

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Bill Walton <bill.walton at charter.net> wrote:
From: Bill Walton <bill.walton at charter.net>
Subject: Ubuntu laptops?
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 8:56 AM


There's a great sale on Gateway's with 17" monitors 
going on today at Fry's but, of course, it comes configured with Vista.  
Whatever make I buy I intend to install Ubuntu on it.  I assume some makes 
are easier to get up and running than others.  Any experience / advice on 
how to assess is much appreciated.  
BillNot sure just what your question is but FWIW, I have a Gateway 
5656GT AMD 64X2 6000+
desktop with a 500 Gig HDD which is large enough for several OSes
to be installed. Your question may be more related to the laptop 
which I have no experience with any. In any case just shrink your 
windows partition(95 gigs on mine is way more than needed) and add
all the 50 gig partitions you want to install other OS such as Ubuntu.
50 gigs is also plenty for any ubuntu desktop. I'm a fairly new linux
user but did all the operations to add gutsy 32 bit, hardy 32 and 64 
bit and have partitions left to add Intrepid beta and more as they are 
released.  FWIW, I find the Gateway brand a damn good machine and 
cheaper than most, especially HP. I initially was interested in the Acer 
brand but changed my mind after googling.  Have you researched the brands
and their features. bugs? I don't think there is any significant 
difference between brands as far as installation goes but could be 
significant linux compatibility issues with the installed hardware.
You should make sure the installed hardware has Ubuntu compatable drivers
or be prepared to use ndiswrapper and windows drivers.
Hope this is what you were alluding to.

Leonard Chatagnier

lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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