Intrepid 64Bit Fresh Install

Lucio M Nicolosi lmario at
Sun Nov 30 04:33:13 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Just finished an Intrepid 64 bit install in its own partition. 
> Surprisingly, no X or networking issues from the first reboot through 
> all the upgrades. Surprised me after having read all the issues 
> reported on the list. Maybe it's just my wonderful nvidia MB and 
> hardware-:))
> No question here, yet, but I did have some difficulty getting programs 
> I wanted installed, ie., flashplugin-nonfree. 

Please check:

You will find that the an alpha flash player 64 has just been released.

    "Flash Player 10
    Update: An alpha version of 64-bit Adobe Flash Player 10 for Linux
    operating systems was released on 11/17/2008. Flash Player 10 beta
    for Solaris was released on 9/26/2008. The release versions of Flash
    Player 10 for Windows, Macintosh, and 32-bit Linux are now available
    from the Flash Player Download Center
    <>. Please download the latest
    prerelease versions below."

No issues here with Intrepid 64 even with Nvidia 8200 chipset.



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