[Intrepid] KDE4 BSOD/Black Screen

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 30 03:53:48 UTC 2008

On 11/28/2008 06:06 PM, NoOp wrote:
> Ran into an odd, or perhaps not so odd, issue w/Intrepid today; whenever
> I log into KDE(4) I get a BSOD - black screen with working KDE4 mouse
> cursor.
> I say 'odd' as I seem to recall that this worked OK (albeit with the KDE
> oddities/problems of KDE4 in general) just recently.
> Note: I always use gnome but have KDE installed for testing.
> Thinking that it might be related to the latest kernel update (in my
> case 2.6.27-10 as I have the proposed repository enabled) I tried
> booting to the older 2.6.27-8 kernel: no change.
> So, given that this is a vanilla test machine and the fact that I
> originally had installed KDE4 via a ppa, so I went through the following:
> 1. Renamed .kde and .kd4 - no change.
> 2. Removed/purged KDE/kubuntu using
> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome
> Rebooted & checked the system afterwards in Gnome, all well.
> Note: I previously had kde4 installed via the ppa, hence the reason to
> purge all. Reinstalled kbuntu-desktop (sudo apt-get install
> kubuntu-desktop) - no change - BSOD.
> 3. Booted into recovery mode and tried option 4 xfix - no change - BSOD.
> 4. Booted into 2.6.25-2-386 - no change - BSOD.
> 5. Booted into 2.6.24-21-386 (hardy kernel) - works!
> This is an old Thinkpad A21M that had KDE4 working in hardy, so no
> special compiz et al., just standard intrepid update from hardy. So
> what's up with the intrepid kernel(s) and KDE4? Anyone else experience this?

Seems I'm not entirely alone:
 [ Intrepid ] kde 4 don't start

Anyone else?

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