upgrading Gutsy to Hardy, remotely .... advice and precautions?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 29 00:22:36 UTC 2008

On 11/27/2008 07:10 PM, H.S. wrote:
> Hello,
> I am in a situation where I am helping a friend (who is /not/ computer
> literate) to upgrade Gutsy to Hardy.
> My plan of action is:
> 1. Help him burn Hardy ISO image to a disk (i386 Alternate CD). He is
> downloading it as I write this.
> 2. While the user is logged in, ask him to insert the alternate CD in
> the drive and start the upgrade using the steps given here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD
> (BTW, does the user need to be in adm group? )
> 3. Let the upgrade proceed while I watch via vncviewer.
> Does this sound doable?
> If somebody has used the alternate CD to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy,
> anything I need to keep an eye out for? Any quirks that you faced? I ask
> this while keeping in mind that I may need to walk him through some
> after the fact problem solving steps over the phone if he does not get
> his network connection up for any reason.
> Thanks in advance

Actually a good question.

Shouldn't be a problem. However, you'll lose him when the system
reboots. I recommend trying it on a local test system first; if you
don't have one, I do and can it a try tonight or tomorrow if you'd like.

Note: I upgraded my son's Gutsy to Hardy 3 weeks ago & all went just
fine - easiest upgrade I've done yet. However I did it during a visit to
his home.

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