upgrading Gutsy to Hardy, remotely .... advice and precautions?

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 03:10:36 UTC 2008


I am in a situation where I am helping a friend (who is /not/ computer
literate) to upgrade Gutsy to Hardy.

My plan of action is:
1. Help him burn Hardy ISO image to a disk (i386 Alternate CD). He is
downloading it as I write this.
2. While the user is logged in, ask him to insert the alternate CD in
the drive and start the upgrade using the steps given here:
(BTW, does the user need to be in adm group? )
3. Let the upgrade proceed while I watch via vncviewer.

Does this sound doable?

If somebody has used the alternate CD to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy,
anything I need to keep an eye out for? Any quirks that you faced? I ask
this while keeping in mind that I may need to walk him through some
after the fact problem solving steps over the phone if he does not get
his network connection up for any reason.

Thanks in advance


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