Pkg Download Slowness-Solved

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Wed Nov 26 16:13:09 UTC 2008

--- On Wed, 11/26/08, David Fox <dfox94085 at> wrote:

> From: David Fox <dfox94085 at>

> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Leonard Chatagnier
> <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> >
> >ddownloading apt-mirror but I don't think
> that's the best way to find a fast mirror. Anyone have
> any >suggestions on a fast mirror for my location. I on a
> dsl pro broadband, BTW and it's almost as slow
> No, that is the wrong tool for the job. apt-mirror is an
> effective way
> to mirror a distribution, not a tool to find the fast
> mirror.
Yep, as I slap myself on the side of my head. I discovered my error after installing and running apt-mirror and wondering why it was taking so long. I discovered what i was doing after reading the man page then did a little googling and found that I could get synaptic repositories to select the fastest usa mirror for me. Googling first would have saved me and the list some time and effort.-:) Sorry.

> A selection of ubuntu mirrors listed with connection
> speed/bandwidth
> and uptodateness is at
Thanks for the info. I'll bookmark it.

> Or you could use That may point to a
> number of
> partner mirrors (so you aren't downloading all the time
> from the same
> physical site). That's the way it is in debian land.
I've used the above initially and changed to Utexas because us.archives were slow for me. When you say that the us.archives may point to a number of partner mirrors do you mean it does this internally to the us.archives. Am I missing somethiong here. In any case, synaptic picked an unheard of mirror for me,, but it got me back to a download rate of 210 KB/sec which I think is very fast and what I used to get with my DSL pro and much faster than what I was currently getting, <10 to 40+ KB/sec, at the UT mirror. UT must be having server problems, for a couple of weeks now. because I used to get the 210 rate.
Thanks for answering my post and straightening out my booboo. Hope this helps out someone using the Utexas mirror and keeps them from making my mistakes.
I was trying to think of apt-spy(no longer supported) before when I installed apt-mirror and I know better; just a old brain. Synaptic or software sources is the best way to select a fast mirror quick and easy.  Hope this helps someone in the same situation.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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