how NOT to have "landscape" related message when log in SSH

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Wed Nov 26 09:00:14 UTC 2008

2008/11/26, Soo-Hyun Choi <s.choi at>:
>> Now that others have been kind enough to help you out, perhaps you can
>> do the same. Please see:
>> <quote>
>> Proper quoting
>> Proper quoting is very important on mailing lists, to ensure that it is
>> easy to follow the conversation. There are four fundamental rules:
>> [snip]
>>   3. Write your email underneath the email which you are replying to.
>> </quote>
>> In response to your:
>> <quote>
>> Well, everyone has its own posting style. If you don't prefer
>> so-called "top-post", then that's fine, but you cannot force your
>> style to the others.
>> </quote>
> Thanks for pointing out the mailing etiquette. But that guide can be a
>  general recommendation, but cannnot be the ultimate rule to all cases.
>  Everyone here has a right/ability to decide whether to reply "in-line
>  or "top-post" according to their decision criteria.

     This is *this* mailing-list etiquette. You can obviously choose to
  follow it or not, that's your choice. If you choose not to follow it, some
  people will consider you impolite (note that I do not say you ARE

> If you have seen my earlier top-posted message, you will see the
> reasonable reason why I did that. If you don't, then that is your own
> discretion but not mine.

    Honestly I do not really understand the reason why you top-posted.
  It's probably reasonable but *I* do not understand (and it's not my
  discretion it's really the brain that is too slow).

> But, it was still useful to remind us the  *general* mailing rules.

    The mailing rules of *this* mailing-list.

> Well, you can still *recommend* to others to follow the rule strictly,
> but cannot enforce.

    That's what I tried to say when I said "Please do not top-post" and
  what NoOp (probably) tried to say as well with his "perhaps you can".

> It sounded to me that you are trying to enforce
> the guideline to us by quoting and linking, etc. If not, sorry about
> my misunderstanding.

    I'm sorry you feel forced to follow the rules. The main reason of
  this rule is the following (maybe you know it, but it's worth repeating).
  If 3 answers to 2 that answered 1, the conversation goes as follows:

| 1
| 2
| 3

   In an in-line posting thread the third message looks like:

>>| 1
>| 2
| 3

  and the thread is easy to follow: start at beginning, read the
  whole thread.

   In a top-posting thread it becomes:

| 3
>| 2
>>| 1

  you have to start at 2/3 of the thread, read till the end, come back at
  1/3 of the thread read to 2/3 and come back at the top to read till
  1/3. Not very intuitive (for my mathematical brain).

    Those people that created the list feel that somebody reading the
  thread afterwards will have an easier time with the in-line posting and
  insisted on the "do not top-post" rule.

     I sincerely hope you received the help you needed and the
  mailing-list does not feel too rigid.

         Good ubuntuing !


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