Unable to resolve host by name

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 26 04:18:12 UTC 2008

On 11/25/2008 08:07 PM, scott wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Can you ping mystic-laptop from media? Also please check the same as
>> above from mystic-laptop & if that doesn't work, drop me a note directly
>> so that we take this off-list & don't continue to bother the local
>> natives :-)
> Some local natives are interested in problem resolution. :)

Oh, not to worry; we'll post back with status & details if Bob decides
to take it off list. I just figured that it might be easier to take it
off-list for awhile rather than send a few lines of 'try this',
'worked/didn't work'. But more than happy to keep everything on the list
as long as the local natives don't mind :-)

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