[resolved] Re: Lost Documents and Photos and desktop files and folders

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 22 22:29:05 UTC 2008

On 11/22/2008 02:06 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
> On Friday 07 November 2008 07:47:54 am Gary Baribault wrote:
>> I have /home on a different partition, and just migrated from OpenSuSE
>> to Intrepid,. but I took a complete backup of /home to a removable
>> device before the migration anyway .. If I hadn't Murphy would have
>> surely formatted it, but since I did, of course, Murphy let me off ..
>> Life is like that, you can be carefull all of your life, but the first
>> time you take a short cut, Murphy nails you!
>> Gary Baribault
>> Courriel: gary at baribault.net
>> GPG Key: 0x4346F013
>> GPG Fingerprint: BCE8 2E6B EB39 9B23 6904 1DF4 C4E6 2CF7 4346 F013
>> > Finally, if this is all too overwhelming for Roger, if he is by some
>> > chance in Southern California (within a couple of hours drive, give or
>> > take) I'm willing to come to him with a machine, a big spare drive,
>> > and tools to help out in the spirit of been-there-blown-my-head-off.
> snip!
> Thanks to all who replied on this one. The matter is now resolved from my 
> point of view; i.e., I've done all I can and Roger needs to do the rest. I 
> used foremost with the -t all option (recover all known file types) and on 
> two drives totalling 650 gigs was able to recover about 100K files, mostly 
> small and mostly useless. But not all, some were very worth recovering and it 
> is now up to Roger to wade through the recovered files to see what is worth 
> keeping.
> The gent in southern California is only about 32 hours hard driving from the 
> little town in British Columbia where Roger's computer is, so thanks a lot!
> I certainly learned a lot and am happy to have at least some positive results. 
> Of course now Roger has ordered a big new drive for backup purposes...
> Dave

Kudos to you, and to Steven Davies-Morris who offered to drive on-site
if Roger were within a few hours drive! This is the spirit of Ubuntu in
it's best light.

Note: no snippage occurred in the processing of this post - on purpose :-)

Go Stanford!

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