hard drive permissions

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Nov 22 06:45:08 UTC 2008

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Douglas Pollard wrote:
> >> Hi All,    I had to replace the second hard drive on a single boot
> >> system. I have Ubuntu  8.04 on the first drive.  I partitioned the
> >> second drive using the live Ubuntu cd.  The drive belongs to root
> >> and I, as user, cannot add and remove files.  I kinda know how to
> >> change permissions on a file, but have not figured out how to change
> >> a drive. Everything I'm reading refers to changing permissions on a
> >> file but I am working with a drive.  Can I get some help here.
> >
> > In this situation I usually suggest to make a directory on the disk
> > for the user and then change the ownership of the directory for that
> > user. You can do it like this:
> >
> > sudo mkdir /media/disk/$USER
> > sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/disk/$USER
> >
> > You may need to change the path where the disk is mounted but you can
> > leave the "$USER" part unchanged because the shell will replace it
> > with your login name.
> Ok, been away from this a few days,  working on video but I am fast
> running out of disk space.  Put in as per your direction, Nils,  It
> aparently went in alright as the new prompt came up.
> sudo mkdir /media/disk/$USER   sudo chown -R $USER:$USER
> /media/disk/$USER  Changed user to doug my user name.  The drive
> permissions / in places 250GB media drive / properties and finally
> pemissions.  Both owner and groups belong to root.
> I guess what I am missing is the path where the disk is mounted I don't
> understand can you help me with this. Doug

Your partition should be mounted somewhere automatically. Usually that 
would be /media/disk or /media/disk-1 etc. if it has an ext2 or ext3 file 
system. You can check it with the command "df -h" in a terminal. Look for 
the column "size" to find out the 250GB partition. At the end of that 
line you can see the path where it is mounted. If it isn't "/media/disk", 
replace the real path in the commands. E.g. if it is "/media/sdc7" the 
commands would be

sudo mkdir /media/sdc7/$USER
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/sdc7/$USER

However if the path IS "/media/disk", I suppose you missed the point that 
there is a directory on the partition now which is owned by you. The top 
directory of the partition is still owned by root but the new directory 
is owned by you.


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