Wifi connection level lower on Ubuntu than on Windows

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 21 15:53:02 UTC 2008

On 11/21/2008 02:09 AM, Vincent Arnoux wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an issue with my installed 8.10 (it was also the case in 8.04): at
> work where I have a pretty low reception level for the Wifi connection, I
> can connect reasonably easily when booted on Windows (even if it disconnects
> sometimes). But when boted on Ubuntu, the wifi network is often not seen at
> all, and even if it can find it, I won't be able to connect (failing at "get
> an IP address" step). There is no problem with the configuration itself as
> when I move to another room where the signal I stronger, I can connect from
> Ubuntu.
> I am using a Panasonic CF-W5 that has an Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG wifi
> chipset. I am thinking two things:
> 1) For some reason, the wifi board is not powerful enough due to a "laptop
> configuration battery saving" mode on Ubuntu
> 2) The driver I use (standard one) with Ubuntu is not good enough and I
> should install Windows one on Ubuntu.
> Can anyone help?

If you look through the archives for this list you will find quite a few
 threads regarding this chipset. An example from one of my responses:

> On 07/24/2008 02:14 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> > On 07/20/2008 09:21 AM, Odean H. Goforth wrote:
>>> >> I am wanting to migrate from Windows to Linux.  However my wireless card
>>> >> will not work with the current release of Ubuntu.  I am using a Dell
>>> >> Notebook E1505 with an Intel Pro/Wireless 3945AGB card.  This card worked
>>> >> fine with Ubuntu 7.10.
>>> >> 
>>> >> Will this card be supported in the Linux community or not?  I have been able
>>> >> to fine reference to many people having the same problem I am however I am
>>> >> finding no solutions to the problem only "Duct Tape" fixes that don't work.
>> > 
>> > It appears that it is an issue with Intel:
>> > 
>> > http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/
>> >   http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1579
>> > [Bugzilla – Bug 1579 iwl3945 does not detect all AP's and is too slow
>> > for NetworkManager]
> FWIW: I just had to roll back someone's Vista driver today for this
> exact card on a Dell laptop. Ever since it had been updated to the 2007
> driver the card would drop out on WPA2 connections; rolling it back to
> the 2006 driver fixed the problem. So, it's not just an linux problem
> with the card.

Ditto for Google (I'll just use Intrepid for this search):

Here is the Intel site for their drivers:
That last points to: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download for
development code if you want to give that a try.

[ intel 3945ABG with driver iwl3945 [intrepid] doesn't connect]
[ iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill

and of course from Intel's own bug list:

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