problems mounting networked HD partition

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Fri Nov 21 10:15:00 UTC 2008


I have a new HD directly connected to the LAN network at home.

If I run in a terminal the command

sudo mount //hd62/openshare /media/homedisk62

the partition openshare gets mounted. 

I tried to put this in fstab so that I would be able to do it as non-root 

> cat /etc/fstab (partial)

# Home hard disk
//hd62/openshare     /media/homedisk62   ext3 
0 0

This is not working and I get the error

mount: special device //hd62/openshare does not exist

Any suggestions?

Alain MULS                                              alain.muls at
CISS-GENA                                                        +32.2.7426340
Renaissance Avenue 30
1000 BRUSSELS - Belgium
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