virtual network interface for VirtualBox

Nguyễn Hoàng Lân somewheremylove.nh87 at
Fri Nov 21 07:30:36 UTC 2008

> why eth0 not in /etc/network/intefaces?
> > I have one ethernet NIC. I work normally but it doesn't show in
> > /etc/network/interfaces. How this happens?

> >>  Marius Gedminas:

   >>   /etc/network/interfaces contains the static configuration.  Network

> >>  Manager manages all the cards that are not mentioned in
> >>  /etc/network/interfaces.  By default the 'interfaces' file is empty so
> >>  that Network Manager can manage all network cards in your machine.

Thanks you! so I add  an interface into /etc/network/interfaces:
           auto eth0
           iface eth0 inet dhcp

can I add a virtual interface for my ethernet card: I want use it for
           auto eth0:1
           ifcace eth0:1 inet static

I have tried, then restart, after long time to wait while starting (find a
DHCP server?), my machine starts with static ip:, and Network
icon don't show on gnome bar any more. How can I use dhcp for my NIC while a
virtual interface (static ip) exits for using with VirtualBox ? I am using
Ubuntu 8.10.
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