X11 font server on ubuntu

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Thu Nov 20 18:24:53 UTC 2008

I need to figure out how to make an ubuntu 8.04 system serve fonts to mingw X11
on Windows.

The back story is I need to run with a moderately twisted environment because of
disabilities requiring speech recognition.  The environment consists of the host
OS  as 8.04, Windows as a virtual machine, and another 8.04 virtual machine is a
development target.

                 Guest OSs

    Windows +x11 server   | 8.04  | ...

                   Host OS

I could really use a font server for the mingw X11 server on Windows. I know I
can run local fonts but quite frankly, they are pretty awful looking and they
take up a sizable chunk of space.  What do I need to do to get my host system to
serve fonts to the mingw X11 server?

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