Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 19 22:28:01 UTC 2008

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, Paul O'Malley - gnu's not unix - <ompaul at eircom.net> wrote:

> From: Paul O'Malley - gnu's not unix - <ompaul at eircom.net>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 3:35 PM
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > Searching google on the subject gave no solution or
> insight. I have a simple column(P) of numbers formatted as
> US currency. There are spaces between the numbers as the
> descriptions to the left are too long for one line. While
> using the summation icon in the function bar several lines
> below the list of numbers and in the same column(P) the
> answer it gives is in error low by 137. Have deleted the
> sum() function and entered it again several times but no
> joy. The problem seem to first occur after adding to the
> list of numbers and moving the sum() function down the
> column to make room for the additional numbers added to the
> column.  When I select the function it shows in the title
> bar, =SUM(P56:P108), which seems to be correct as it
> includes the first and last entries on the column.
> > When I use my old trusty TI-34II calculator I get a
> reproducible number 137 higher than the sum() gives. The
> spreadsheet is for income tax return itemizing Hurricane Ike
> losses and those in the USA knows what the IRS does with
> inaccurate returns. Yep, I was one of the many that got 4
> feet of water in the house, but could have been worse if we
> were closer to the coast line. Would appreciate anyone
> knowing what might be causing this error to give me a clue.
> It would be very appreciated.
> > 
> Hi Leonard,
> I did read your mail.
> Just in case:
> Highlight all the cells to be added up and force format
> them all as 
> "numbers not currency", just in case. It really
> does seem as if one or 
> more of the cells is being treated as text.
> Should this fail I look forward to the problem on a link.
> Regards,
> Paul O'Malley
Hi Paul.
I tried it as suggested but sorry it still came up with the same total just without the $ sign in front of it.  Looks like either my calculator or OO.o Calc is giving me the wrong answer.
BTW, what do you mean by:
"Should this fail I look forward to the problem on a link." If I knew what your meant, I could comply with it, I think.  Thanks anyway for the suggestion, it does rule out a thing or two.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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