Convincing a school district to migrate from OS X to Ubuntu or Edubuntu

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Wed Nov 19 14:26:38 UTC 2008

> As said below however, I don't see schools moving away from MS Office
> any time soon. The movers and shakers of the world have to start
> implementing OO before schools will start teaching learners to use
> them. 

You just need to be able to replace Powerpoint and you are good to go on 
Windows. OO handles word processing and spreadsheets well enough and is 
compatible enough to replace Word and Excel for probably 80% of the 
users of Word/Excel. Once a Powerpoint replacement gets up's 
rip out M$ Office time. For now, I install OO so that it can open files 
that Word/Excel won't open. The best part being that those files were 
created by the same Word/Excel programs that refuse to open them.

Since we moving to Ubuntu desktops...we are blowing M$ Office away. No, 
no M$ Office under Wine.

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