usb connected HD - how to mount
hok.krat at
Wed Nov 19 08:28:00 UTC 2008
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Alain Muls <alain.muls at> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a ubuntu installation with untangle running on top of it.
> For backup I connected over USB an external HD. I looked through the dmesg
> but I cannot find what device represents the HD. How can I find that out and
> permanently mount that external HD?
> Tx/Alain
Since you are using it as backup you may use a script to do so. A
script requires the mount point to remain the same, however USB does
not provide this easily. This can be solved by mounting it by UUID and
through your FSTAB (although Gparted can do this without the need for
manually editing text files. I do not know exactly how, but someone
should be able to help you).
1. print this list (since you will not be able to see it when you are working)
2. ctrl-alt F1
3. Create the folder you wish to mount it to:
"sudo mkdir /backup" (replace /backup with the exact path you wish
to use. /backup would just be my choice)
4. Find the uuid of your disk:
"blkid /dev/sda1" (Assuming your disk is sda1 (according to
5. Write down the UUID and the filetype (ext3, ext2 or vfat are the
most common, if it is something else you should know)
6. Open fstab
"sudo nano /etc/fstab" (open the file fstab as root in the text editor nano)
7. add the line
"<UUID> /backup ext3 defaults 1,5" (Replace <UUID> with the UUID
you found in step 4, /backup with the mount point you created in 3 and
ext3 with the filesystem you use (you have seen it in step 4). It most
probably is ext3 if you do not know what it is, but formatted it
somehow a while back)
8. Exit nano
ctrl-x, enter, enter
9. Go back to Xorg
Hope it helps
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