Intrepid Sound Fix

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Nov 18 03:08:28 UTC 2008

On 11/17/2008 05:50 PM, Daniel T Chen wrote:
> On 11/17/2008 07:47 PM, Nigel Henry wrote:
>>    stop)
>>          ifconfig eth0 down
>>   TARGET_CARD="$2"
>>   case "$TARGET_CARD" in
>>     ""|all) TARGET_CARD=all ; log_action_begin_msg "Shutting down ALSA" ;;
>> Save the changes, exit the editor, and reboot.
>> Now when rebooted your Alsamixer settings should now be how you left them
>> before rebooting. "Hopefully".
>> All the best.
>> Nigel.
> Unfortunately this hack only masks the deeper culprits (that appear to 
> be a combination of sub{vendor,device}-specific PCI latency and sound 
> hardware settings).  I cannot reproduce this symptom on any hardware I 
> have access to running hardy or intrepid, which makes it more difficult 
> to troubleshoot.
> If any of you guys are headed to UDS-Jaunty (in Mountain View, CA) next 
> month, I'm happy to "sit a spell" and look at the magic.

I live about 10-15 miles away; but from this I reckon it's out of my
league as I'm (like most here) only a user:
The summit is open to the public, but it is not a conference, exhibition
or other audience-oriented event. Rather, it is an opportunity for
Ubuntu developers -- who usually collaborate online -- to work together
in person on specific tasks.

But if you run into any difficulties in getting around the area etc.,
drop me a note directly & I'll be happy to assist if I can.

Gary (NoOp)

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