Intrepid Sound Problems

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sun Nov 16 19:55:55 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 11/15/2008 08:52 PM, Daniel T Chen wrote:
> [snip]
>> You can either grab the 2.6.24-21-generic linux-image and 
>> linux-ubuntu-modules and then install them, or you can ensure that you 
>> have the hardy-security and hardy-updates repositories active, then 
>> install the two above packages.
>> I advise you to work with 8.10's linux-image if at all possible.  It has 
>> much improved Intel HDA support over 8.04's.
>> That said, have you executed the script?  Have you opened 
>> an query?
> Or checked launchpad bug reports?
> <>
    The launchpad bug reports don't give credit where due. Without a 
single update a re-boot stalled not able to turn off alsa sound device. 
Forcing a reboot causes all sound to be lost.

    After a total Update there is no change in sound. And the re-boot is 
still slow and trouble prone.

    I will say that Intrepid has been the worst Linux I have had to try 
an use. There is no one to complain to, but it is a shame that Hardy 
which runs great on my nVidia computer can not even LOAD on it! My 
laptop has known problems. I must have the new GTK video drivers that 
Intrepid has. With this good GTK I get great pictures on my Laptop which 
Intel Mobile4 video. But I have zero sound.

    There are a lot of different versions of Linux besides Ubuntu. I 
will do a google search to see if there is a model that might work on my 
laptop. In the meantime I will keep Intrepid updated and hope for a 
break through.


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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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