SCIM Automate Inputs

Joel Madero jmadero at
Fri Nov 14 23:47:32 UTC 2008

Hi All,
I wanted to post this but I'm not sure if it's a bug or a suggestion for
a better way of handling SCIM. I was helping someone install Hebrew in
linuxforums and couldn't figure out why SCIM didn't have it despite him
going and installing the language through system, admin, language
support. After some time spent in other forums and a few linux help
guides I found out that for SCIM to show the language you have to
manually install several other packages (for Hebrew it was SCIM-M17 I
believe (this applies to Greek as well). So my suggestion/bug report...

Make it so that when you install a language through system, admin,
language support, it automatically downloads and installs the SCIM
packages as well -- I'm not sure why this wouldn't be the case since it's
only about 8-10 megs and without it you can't really choose between the
languages in an easy way (you can add the keyboard layout to your taskbar
but that seems more difficult than SCIM).

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