Learned to love Intrepid

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Fri Nov 14 12:41:38 UTC 2008

                Back to Intrepid for a reason

        My little Cheap Laptop had a problem. It has an Intel Mobile 4 
video system which, when a nice guy said you may have a GTK problem, got 
me started the right way in my Google search.

        It took a while but then in a reference to the Mobile 4 that 
Hardy will not work well with this computer because it has a lousy gtk 
driver. The new Intrepid has a much improved gtk driver.

        So I put 2 and 2 together and it all fell in place. I was 
finding that Hardy would not come up every time and both Totem and VLC 
would freeze the screen. I had to load it with the Alternate CD. Now 
when I first tried Intrepid I had several unhappy problems, not of my 
own making. I could not apt-get some things I wanted and updates were a 
day late.

        Last night I used the Intrepid LiveCD to load it again on the 
lap-top and this time it wanted to update in 5 minutes 180 updates. I 
let it do that and then d/l VLC and some things for that stupid Totem. 
Totem can now display a DVD movie, but it still can't display local .wmv 
short movie files. So the heck with Totem! VLC works fine and I can do 
it all with no freezing of the screen.

        I am prepared to love Intrepid because on the cheap laptop it is 
the only Ubuntu that works :-)



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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