helping a new Ubuntu user

Ray Parrish crp at
Fri Nov 14 05:34:27 UTC 2008

Go to Applications, Internet, Remote Desktop Viewer. Start that, then 
access it's help menu to find out how to set it up.

Later, Ray Parrish

norman wrote:
> My brother is in the process of converting from Windows to Ubuntu and is
> quite computerate. However, I am expected to be the fount of all
> knowledge about Ubuntu whereas I am really pretty ignorant. The
> difficulty is that we are several hundred kilometres apart and sometimes
> it is quite difficult to visualise what he is seeing on his monitor from
> his descriptions. It would be most useful if I were able to see his
> monitor screen and I wondered if this were possible for a relative
> rookie like me.
> There must be lots of you who have had similar problems and I would
> welcome any useful advice you can pass to me. Who knows, if I am
> successful in converting my brother to Ubuntu others in the family may
> follow.
> Norman

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