Boot sequence

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Nov 13 03:09:30 UTC 2008

Allan Xavier Aguilar Castillo wrote:

> On 11/12/2008, Allen Meyers <texas.chef94 at> wrote:
>> What must one do when xp is sda1 and you are about to install 2
>> additional
>> linux OS to a pre existing  partition and you want XP hda1 to be last
>> in the boot sequence.
>> Below is how it looks now and I will make any suggested changes as
>> long as the outcome is XP last.
>> For those wondering I am not a nut I have very valid reason.
>> hda1 NTFS
>> hda2    (intended for linus OS)
>> hda3 swap
>> hda4   (intended Linux OS}
>> Thanks in advance
>      ¡Hello there! I am having trouble trying to undenstard you... Do
>      you
> mean in the GRUB menu? If this is the case, you just have to edit
> /boot/grub/menu.lst.

As Allan says, just edit the menu.lst - nobody thinks you're a nut for 
wanting Windows last :-)

fwiw, it appears you haven't actually installed Linux yet.  If you 
install Ubuntu after Windows it will set itself up to be first on the 
boot menu, then Windows.  ime (though limited) it usually finds other 
Linux distros too, and they may be placed before or after Windows.  In 
any case, I'd install Windows, then the "other" linux distro, then 
Ubuntu and edit menu.lst if required.

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