Need help setting up OCR scanning with HP F2110 ScanJet

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Nov 12 19:30:12 UTC 2008

On 11/12/2008 06:14 AM, John Botscharow wrote:
> Because of vision issues, I used wite text on black background. I also,
> for the same reason, need to be able to scan lots of printed texts -
> books, magaize articles. I am currently using 8.04 on an HP Pavilioh
> with lots of RAM, a 2.1 GHx AMD triple core processor and a 500 Gig HD,
> sp space and power is not an issue. I have an HP F2110 ScanJet hooked to
> this machine and it scans pics perfectly, but have real problems doing
> OCR scanning. The onts don't work right I installed gocr but still have
> problems I tried doing the scans as PDF files, but they come out black
> text on white background which is very hard on my eyes. I installed the
> medibuntu repository and installed acroread, which has preferences to
> allow changing the color scheme, but that program says it cannot do that
> with my scans. Any help in resolving this problem would be greatly
> appreciated. I am willing to exchange telephone numbers with anyone in
> the USA that can help, if that would make things easier.

John, I think that you might want to subscribe to the accessibility list
(, see:

You'll find a great deal of help on that list with your accessibility
issues. An example of postings:

There is also a section in the Ubuntu Forums dedicated to accessibility:
[Threads in Forum : Assistive Technology & Accessibility]

You of course are more than welcome here, not trying to run you off :-)
But you may find more help with your particular issues from the above.

Added note: if you can't find help there, then I'd be more than willing
to try and assist you off-list if you drop me a note directly.

That said; I think that the problem you are experiencing in Adobe Reader
is that your scans are images & AR accessibility features won't convert
the image to a negative. For that you'll need to use something like Gimp
 to reverse the image first. I reckon that is why you are attempting to
use OCR instead?

You can of course open the pdf in Gimp and reverse the image, but that's
a pain to do + you can only do it one page at a time. So instead do this:

1. Open Gimp and then File|Aquire|Xsane|Device Dialog - then select your
HP scanner.

2. When Xsane opens, you'll have multiple setup boxes:

- number of pages
- flatbed
- color
- Full color range

Change the 'Full color range' to 'Standard Negative', and the 'Color' to
Monochrome if you have that option, and then 'Scan'. The image (I tested
on a letter from my bank telling me I'm broke :-) will then scan into
Gimp as a negative image. You can then easily use Colors|Desaturate in
Gimp to turn the print to flat white. Now, from there you can print to a
PDF using your cups-pdf printer. Again, it's a bit of a slow process,
but it is workable.

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