Laptop 8.10 problems
Anthony M. Rasat
anthony.rasat at
Wed Nov 12 04:08:22 UTC 2008
>On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 13:51 ->0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> But whatever caused the >DVD movies to be seen ruined >ALL sound on
>> my Intrepid. I had no such >problem on this Hardy.
>I don't know. I had no such >problems on any distro. To be >frank, the
>number of problems that you >posted on this list in the time I've >read it
>(maybe 2 years, I dunno) is >several times the number of >problems I
>myself had in total since >Slackware 3.0 in 1996.
>I do not know what you are doing >to your machines, but I cannot >take it
>anymore. I do not *want* to know >what you are doing to your >machines, I
>want to be free, and it will be the >best for you, too, if I don't read
>your posts from now on.
>Goodbye, good luck to you and to >whomever makes the mistake of >following
>your advice in the future, good >riddance, and <plonk>
Hahaha, sounds like a couple's fight. C'mon kiss and make up again.
To Lars, Google is really your friend. When I was stumbled finding out why Realtek 8187 was not detected on Hardy no matter what I did some time ago, I found an article on OpenSuSE that told me to look over something else and turned out correctly applicable in Ubuntu.
I also had some problem with Intrepid's PulseAudio a while ago (I forgot what exactly) but I solve it by changing settings back to alsa.
Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
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