Intrepid botches

Karl Larsen k5di at
Tue Nov 11 20:25:52 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
    OK. I am very happy that, for some reason getting the Hardy 
Alternate CD on my Intrepid stopped near the end and put up an error 
message saying Sorry you are out of disk space, and it saved nothing. At 
2AM I was mad and started to d/l the CD image on this Hardy from the 
exact same school as the first time and it completed and I put it on a 
CD using the CD/DVD Creator on Hardy.

    Then using that CD I installed Hardy on my Compaq Presorio 
CQ50-139WM and had just a little trouble with manual partitioning. It 
acted normal and made a new grub but it failed to use the right thing to 
start the Windows. I will fix that soon.

    To my intense pleasure when I rebooted and the Hardy came up from 
the Hard Drive I had a great normal fitting of the laptop screen and it 
is a carbon copy of this computer but faster :-)

    Right away I got a indication that I have updates and right now it 
is downloading 170 updates of kernel's and such. I looked and it wants 
to set up WiFi!! I guess the MadWiFi is part of the current kernel.

    I was very unhappy with the way Intrepid worked from the first 
moments. It was not right for some reason. I will not say Intrepid is 
bad, but it was for me. Might be great for you.

    So now I have both Vista and Hardy dual boot on my new Cheap 
lap-top. It looks good.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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