System Image

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Tue Nov 11 15:11:49 UTC 2008

Koh Choon Lin wrote:
>>> My two machines are not connected, so I was thinking if there is someway to
>>> create the
>>> image on some DVD. A great amount has gone in installing software that I
>>> need and many
>>> had to change that I dind't keep track.Therefore, I am looking for exact
>>> image.
> Using dd is the best if you require an exact image.

ddrescue, maybe? dd can have problems if there are bad spots on a drive, 
and I thought I saw that if the bad spots are "marked" by the controller 
it can still have problems but I'm not sure. I just know that ddrescue 
was made to work like dd but has some intelligence in "rescanning" 
certain spots.

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