Mail announce in Thunderbird (Ubuntu 8.04)

tux tux2 at
Mon Nov 10 00:01:58 UTC 2008

Couldn't type but could paste but still no sound.

Ray Parrish wrote:
> I use a .wav file for my mail download announcement, so I'm sure you can 
> use one. I just checked in preferences in Thunderbird, and it will 
> *only* let me choose .wav files, so I don't know why yours won't let you.
> Try just typing the path and filename of the .wav file in the Location 
> box of the file selection dialog that occurs after you select Browse 
> from the main settings dialog. You may have to first click the icon in 
> the top left corner of the file selection dialog to see the Location 
> box. [the icon looks like a sheet of paper]
> Later, Ray Parrish

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