Compaq Pesario CQ50-139WM

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sat Nov 8 18:50:12 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     I bought the subject lap top this morning and of course it has Vista 
>> Basic on it. At any Wal Mart they are on sale for $298.00 plus tax. I am 
>> letting Vista get updated and then will load Hardy.
>>     It's a real good looking lap top.
>> Karl
>     I am having trouble loading any Linux on the subject lap top. I 
> tried 2 LiveCD of Hardy and they error out to Busybox always. I tried 
> the 8.10 LiveCD and it comes up fine but I'm having a problem. Here is 
> what it looks like to GParted:
> /dev/sda1    ntfs          139.71 GB  using 20.54 GB UNused 119.17
> /dev/sda2    ntfs    label PRESARIO_RP 9.34 GB using 7.64
> Unallocated   1.34 MB
>     Need to get some of /dev/sda1, like 100 GB moved to Unallocated but 
> it has an error every time I try to Resize/Move /dev/sda1. What am I 
> doing wrong?
> Karl

20081108 1249 GMT-5

What is the error?


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