Help! HD partitioning & installation of

Ranko Pavić rpavic at
Sat Nov 8 04:58:54 UTC 2008

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 2:54 AM, ppp IT <ppptechnical at> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am not a techie and so unfortunately do not understand the lingo, but
> have a problem and want to ask for your help:
> I have a windows based laptop, just downloaded last version of ubuntu (so
> far have been using off of the CD) and want to install it in a small
> partition on hard drive.
> Could some kind soul help me out in what I need to do so that the current
> files and applications on the hard drive I have are not written over or
> lost?  I will be using the ubuntu mostly for when I am on connected to the
> net, so don't want it to take a large fraction of available HD.
> Thanks much,
> ;^)
> Peter
When you start installing Ubuntu, you will be given an option to resize your
current windows partition (shrink it) and install Ubuntu on the free space.
All you have to do is free up some space (don't know how much GB is minimum
requriment ...?), reboot and start the installation, follow it and you will
get to the step I am refering to. You don't have to be a techie, just
understand english and you should have no problems.

Hope I was of some help.

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