Strange Optical drive problem

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Nov 7 17:09:58 UTC 2008

On 11/07/2008 03:20 AM, squareyes wrote:

> Guess I will persevere with the external combo drive I have been using, 
> just that my bag is starting to get a bit heavy  :-)  I help some older 
> people with no internet connection set up Ubuntu and install with my 
> connection. It must sound strange to you that Christmas temperatures 
> here are in the high 30's
> usually. It's hard to imagine a cold one, we never get snow and ice here 
> at any time of year.

Is this what you used to update the bios?

If so, maybe it didn't work. If not, maybe it will help resolve your
issue. Note "(Fix) Boot error occurs at Intel ICH8M SATA
initialization." See:

These may be related:
for hints on the bios and SATA settings.

Yes, I know that the above are primarily hard drive oriented, but they
point to ACHI and SATA issues that very likely are also affecting your
optical drive as well. Read through them & perhaps you may be able to
either figure out a solution, or find enough info to ask Lenovo if your
problem may be the same. I'd also check to see if a firmware update for
your optical drive will resolve the issue - example:

You might also want to look around on
and see if you find a related issue/fix.

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