Scheduled audio recording software

Erik Christiansen dvalin at
Fri Nov 7 11:27:40 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 04:18:24PM -0500, randy mcelligott wrote:
> I have been using Ubuntu for two weeks now. On my Mac I use Audio Hijack
> Pro which allows me to set a schedule to record shows off the radio. So
> for example, I have it set up to record a show on Sunday's at 2pm,
> another schedule to record a show on Tuesdays at 5pm every week etc...
> Is there such software for Ubuntu? This is the only application that is
> holding me back from using Ubuntu on a regular basis.

In the absence of a fully gui-fied canned solution thus far, maybe the
following thoughts on a possible work-around will spark off a solution
which is less delightfully DIY.

It's likely that most of the audio applications (e.g. arecord) can be
invoked from the command line, to record. Using "crontab -e" then allows
you to program repeat scheduled recordings, while the "at" command is
good for a one-off.

I once used "arecord -d nnn -f dat -t raw /tmp/audio" to record nnn
seconds of audio. Using that, one wouldn't need a second crontab (or
"at" command) to stop recording.

To snarf arecord etc., run: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils

It would be a little bit of an adventure, with only two weeks of Ubuntu
experience. Much can be gleaned from the manpages, and some
experimentation, though. ;-)


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