strange sound problem in Hardy

Pierre Frenkiel pierre.frenkiel at
Fri Nov 7 10:32:46 UTC 2008

On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Jim Smith wrote:

> FWIW All of the instructions for building PCs that I have or have seen
> mention going into the BIOS and disabling the on-board audio if you wish
> to use a sound card.

   Doing some googling, I  found both instructions (disable or not disable in BIOS)
   - I don't see why one card should be disabled to use the other.
     For example, you can have 2 ethernet cards. Why not 2 sound cards?
   - actually, both cards worked perfectly during 6 months, and as I said,
     both work perfectly 1 or 2 hours after reboot.
   - anyway, I tried to disable the integrated card, but after that my machine
     don't boot: stays indefinitely on "checking NVRAM" (apparently a BIOS BUG...)

Pierre Frenkiel

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