Need help with raid layout

Rashkae ubuntu at
Tue Nov 4 21:07:03 UTC 2008

Neil wrote:

> hi
> I had a quite good experience with mdRAID 0 on Suse once, and I guess
> it will be possible on Ubuntu aswell, and it is easily tested. You can
> simply set them up as raid using the bios and other mobo specific
> things and run the live CD. If it recognises them you can install on
> them.

Unless you plan on investing in real raid hardware (with cpu and all
that), the cheapo mobo solutions are best avoided.. stick with software

> Mdraid is the driver for FAKEraid. FAKEraid can be described as a
> softraid that is recognised by the BIOS. You can't boot from a
> softraid, you can from hard or mdraid, but the performance lose will
> be bigger on mdraid as on hard raid. Hard raid is expensive, while
> FAKEraid is common on newer mobos

This was the common wisdom in the 486 days.  Modern systems should have
more than enough CPU to handle Raid without noticeable performance hit.

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