Question about partion in Ubuntu

David Fox dfox94085 at
Tue Nov 4 03:26:54 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Scott Wang <im at> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have two hard drivers, each one is 160 GB. One thing I can do is make home
> directory in one disk and all the other directories into the other disk.

A simple solution would be to carve out an appropriate amount on the
first (ubuntu) disk and use it for /storage or something, and mount
that partition on boot. Then you can put some files in /storage that
won't conveniently fit in /home or use it like a secondary /home. I've
done that before to put larger files that won't conveniently fit in
/home, or if I am tight on disk space, etc.

Sometimes I move whole directories (such as Pictures) to the secondary
disk and then use a symbolic link so I can still easily access the
directory from my home directory. That has worked well.

And that doesn't involve setting up RAID or LVM, although it might be
a better idea to set something up like that.

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