Question about partion in Ubuntu

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Nov 4 02:04:39 UTC 2008

Like others have mentioned, LVM is the best way to do what you want.
But let me propose an alternative:

sda1 / 20 GB
sda2 empty 20 GB
sda3 swap ~2 GB
sda4 /home/media 115 GB

sdb1 /home

Now you mount /home/media inside /home/user and store your music or
movies there. The advantage is that you have separation of data that
needs backing up and data that does not. Also, you have now sda2 to
use for test installations before upgrading your daily driver.

Although I do not recommend that you configure more than four
partitions to a drive, another good thing to do is to have a separate
/var partition. When there is a hardware failure, breach, or other
problem /var/logs can fill quickly and fill up all available space.

Dotan Cohen


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