Burning Live CD

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Nov 3 14:58:44 UTC 2008

Allen Meyers wrote:
> Being a newbie is no excuse for this oversight if that is what this is all
> about.

Good illustration of why top posting is frowned upon by many...what are 
you referring to as an oversight?

> I used the only bland media I had at hand (dumb) it was DVD+RW
> So if I am understanding  correctly I should be using an R not an RW and not
> DVD.
> After I hear back I will truck on down the road to wal-mart and get a better
> burning media.

You're saying your DVD drive may be DVD-R not DVD-RW? Yeah, it may have 
problems in that case :-)

A program like HardInfo installed via synaptic might give you 
information on the drive or a model that you can google and find the 
full compatibility of discs. Remember that some drives, if they're 
DVD-R, may not read DVD+R's or vice-versa.

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