Burning Live CD

Allen Meyers texas.chef94 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 14:46:43 UTC 2008

Being a newbie is no excuse for this oversight if that is what this is all
I used the only bland media I had at hand (dumb) it was DVD+RW
So if I am understanding  correctly I should be using an R not an RW and not
After I hear back I will truck on down the road to wal-mart and get a better
burning media.



On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Bart Silverstrim
<bsilver at chrononomicon.com>wrote:

> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> > Allen Meyers wrote:
> >> No my focus is to repair my CD ROM capability. The exchange between HP
> >> and myself did occur in windows, but only because naturally he knew
> >> nothing about Linux.
> >> I In Linux I have tried everything and CD ROM does not recognize blank
> >> media in either OS
> >> Any help appreciated
> >>
> > ok, you CD burner seems to be playing CDs but apparently it does not
> > recognize balnk media for burning.
> > Is this correct?
> >
> > If so, is this REALLY a CD BURNER (no joke, I had a customer complain
> > that he could not burn ;-)?
> >
> > If yes, the only solution I can think of is to try with a different type
> > of blank CD R/RWs.
> >
> > Lastly, if all of this fails, I would  suggest to try with CDburner XP (
> > http://cdburnerxp.se/). It probably will not solve the problem, but it's
> > free and worth a try.
> > Ultimately, a new internal burner (they tend to be cheaper that external
> > models) will probably, what you will need.
> It's also very possible you have a failure in the laser. I had an Apple
> DVD-R in a MacBook that could read regular CD's but DVD's couldn't be
> read anymore; nothing popped up saying it was malfunctioning, insisted
> it could read/write DVD media, but simply spit out the discs when I
> inserted them.
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Allen Meyers
texas.chef94 at gmail.com
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