ip address on lan getting hijacked

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Sat May 31 14:15:23 UTC 2008

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-05-30 at 16:11 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> chris dunn wrote:
>>> My home lan is set up based upon a Linksys wireless access point and router 
>>> which has an address of
>>     OK the router has a old standard 192.168.1.x ip.
>>>  My main work station is set with a 
>>> static ip address of, (in /etc/network/interfaces) and I use 
>>> other work stations to access this machine via nxclient and nxserver (running 
>>> on
>>     In other words you set the work station with a static ip of 
>> and it works. From a router I always use DHCP so the router 
>> just gives me the next ip/
>>> All works well until 9.30 a.m. every morning when is taken down 
>>> and reset to, apparently by dhclient accessing the dhcp server 
>>> running on the wap.
>>     Your wireless part of the router is causing the problem.
>>>  Any nxclient connections crash as the nxserver ip address 
>>> has changed.
>>> Syslog provides the following messages :
>>> May 30 09:30:04 bessie dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of <null address> 
>>> Tia.
>>     To fix this put your work station not on static but DHCP and relax. 
>> It will change but who cares?
>> Karl
> Hi Karl,
> Your suggestion isn't accurate ...
> ... the OP clearly wants to have static IP adresses, 
> so your hint is nonsense !!!
> You may go as you like and be happy !!  ;-)
> Myself too I always prefer static IP's in my setups ! ;-D

If the computer is set up to use static addressing...it shouldn't be 
running a dhclient.

There should be two ways I know of this happening...1, the computer is 
set to dynamic addressing and by "static" someone is defining it as an 
entry in the DHCP server to assign the same address to a particular MAC 
every time, which isn't static addressing, or 2, the computer has 
something, a script, running at that time that resets the network to 
another config.

What's in your (and root's) crontab at that time?

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