
Gilles Gravier gilles at
Fri May 30 17:47:31 UTC 2008

Children, please behave!


Karl Larsen wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>     Those who yesterday suggested we load all the non-Ubuntu software
>>>>> were wrong. It had zero effect on DVD use.
>>>> You just try to alienate, don't you? I can't tell _which_ advice you got
>>>> didn't work, but some of it certainly would.  Using Medibuntu is the
>>>> simplest way.
>>>     I explained what advise was wrong. Do you not read English?
>> You said "Those who yesterday suggested we load all the non-Ubuntu software
>> were wrong. It had zero effect on DVD use."
>> You didn't quote and you didn't say what non-Ubuntu software.  So you're
>> just trying to be annoying. 
>> My English is perfect, so it's really too bad about yours.  
>> I'd put you back in the killfile where you belong, but then I can't catch
>> all the really horrendously bad advice you keep giving people.
>     Please do NOT read anything I write. You have a way to make it sound 
> bad. Just shut up. Thank you.
> Karl

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"Chastity is its own punishment." (/Solomon Short/) [/David Gerrold/]
"De toutes les aberrations sexuelles, la chasteté est la plus 
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