Any idea??

Steph steph33560 at
Fri May 30 07:49:21 UTC 2008

JD a écrit :
> I have a laptop with a Turion 64 x2 (1.6 Ghz) processor, 512 Mb of ram, 
> an ATI X1100 video card, 100 Gb of hard disk and i'm using ubuntu hardy.
> A lot of times my pc get stuck and when the desktop effects are enabled, 
> a lot of little lines white and black appear and also it gets slow. I 
> used ubunu gutsy and i had to do a lot of things including to reinstall 
> the kernel following some instructions that i found on ubuntuforums to 
> get the effects and to improve my pc ... But now i can't find my problem 
> solution over the internet... so... does anybody has an idea??
Which ATI drivers do you have ? It may come frome here, I used to have
problems with ATI's owners drivers...

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