How do I install a bin file?

Francis Earl francis.earl at
Thu May 29 13:12:43 UTC 2008

There are two ways:

chmod +x some.bin


sh some.bin

It sort of depends on what exactly is in the .bin file!

On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 09:01 -0400, Pat Brown wrote:
> How can I install a bin file from a terminal? I have GoogleEarth and I 
> tried installing it with the Package Manager before but though it seemed 
> to install would never show up anywhere as an app to run. I can find a 
> lot of various files when I unpack the downloaded bin file, but I have 
> no idea how to run them, or even what to run. Does anyone here use 
> GoogleEarth? I tried signing up for the GoogleEarth help list, but the 
> advice I got was next to useless - I could never find the files where 
> people said they were.
> I'm stumped. I'd like to use GoogleEarth, but it looks like I should 
> have kept my Windows partition to do so.
> -- 
> Pat Brown
> pat.mysterywriter at
> L.A. Heat, the first Chris and David mystery

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